Karen S. Rubinstein

Karen is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 30 years of experience, working with people in crisis to help them move forward. As a workshop presenter and specialist at providing Crisis Response, she assists individuals, families and businesses in adapting to stressful events. Offering ‘triage’ for life’s many challenges, Karen helps her clients to create positive and effective behaviors, fostering more peace, joy and prosperity in their personal and business lives.
Karen maintains a private practice, servicing the entire State of Florida. Based in the Aventura, Hallandale, and South Florida area, Karen works with individuals and companies, providing Online Counseling (Telehealth) video and phone sessions (Teletherapy). She is the former Director of Switchboard of Miami’s Family Counseling Program, supervised master-level counselors as an adjunct professor at Florida International University, and worked as a therapeutic consultant for the Miami-Dade County Public School System for 17 years.

She currently works as a contractor with Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) providing counseling, crisis intervention, and virtual workshops for the workplace. Karen specializes in relationship issues: teaching individuals, couples and families to create healthy, connecting relationships, and to improve communication. 

With an unwaiving passion to assist others in their unique journey of personal development, Karen supports countless individuals and families who attend her coaching sessions and seminars. 

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